What is Herofree Parenting?

instruction manual
Herofree Parenting Success

"A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world." Nathaniel Hawthorne


Let them stumble, let them fail, but never let them give up. Like any true superhero, your child will face challenges & obstacles, but with the proper guidance, they can overcome anything.

But they can't get there if YOU are the hero of THEIR story!

So it is time to put away YOUR cape and say goodbye to constantly swooping in to solve THEIR problems. Instead, say hello to empowering THEM to take charge of THEIR lives.

By simply changing your role from hero to guide, you make THEM the hero of their stories. And heroes are capable of anything!


The Heroic Parent

Heroic Parents can't help themselves.

They never let their children fail at anything. No matter how big or small the problem is, Heroic Parents will always save the day. Heroic Parents feel that they are doing what is best for their children, but they undermine their child's growth, causing their children to develop a deep-seated resentment toward them.

**The term often used for this sort of parent is Helicopter Parent. But Helicopter Parents only hover, making their child feel like they are being watched at every moment (because they are!). But the Heroic Parent is even worse!

A Heroic Parent is not only constantly watching, but they are constantly rescuing.**


The Heroless Parent

The Heroless Parent raises a child to think for themselves (they believe less parenting is the ideal way to raise their child).

Their goal is to raise an independent child, but they often go too far and leave the child to fend for themselves. Some children need more care and guidance while learning strategies for success.

It is not uncommon for a child of a Heroless Parent to fear failing because fear is all they have ever known. They have become conditioned not to take risks, leading to persistent fear. A rigid mindset forms as a result of this fear.

Although many teens do well when raised in a Heroless Parenting style, teens without strategies for success often make the easiest decision, which is only sometimes the right one.


The Antihero Parent


The Antihero Parenting style is hard to understand. Sometimes, these parents don't seem to care about their child's needs. Other times, they punish their child too much when they don't do well.

It's hard for these parents to be consistent because of their past or personal problems. They might feel frustrated with their child like we all sometimes do.

This parenting style confuses kids. They don't know what to expect from their parents. This can make them have trust issues, feel upset, have trouble making friends, and be angry at their parents, especially when they're teenagers.

How do you know if you've been an Antihero Parent?

Have you ever said, "I told you so," or "you should have listened to me" when your child failed?

You might not know it, but you made your child feel like a victim and acted like a hero trying to save the day.

The Antihero Parenting style can hurt a child's growth the most, causing big problems in their feelings and thoughts as they age.


The Herofree Parent 

The Herofree Parent is a guide to their child's journey.

They encourage their child to take risks, learn from their mistakes, and bounce back from failures. They do this by:

• Providing feedback

• Setting clear expectations

• Giving them the tools to succeed

• Providing opportunities for growth

• Empowering them to be free to make their own decisions

Done right, teens raised in a Herofree Parenting environment are more confident, resilient, and successful.

Become a Herofree Parent and unleash the hero within your child. It's the ultimate gift for their future - a future filled with confidence, resilience, and success.


Benefits of Being a Herofree Parent

As a Herofree Parent, you empower your child to take control of their own lives and become the hero of their own story. This approach has numerous benefits that will positively impact your child's future.

Here are the top 10 benefits of being a Herofree Parent:

  1. Builds Resilience: Allowing your child to face challenges & overcome obstacles on their own helps them develop resilience, an essential skill for success in life.

  2. Develops Independence: By giving your child the space to make their own decisions & solve their problems, you are helping them build independence and self-reliance.

  3. Boosts Confidence: When children are allowed to take charge of their lives, they gain confidence in their abilities and feel more capable of handling whatever comes their way.

  4. Develops Problem-Solving Skills: Herofree Parenting encourages children to think critically & formulate creative solutions to problems, a valuable skill that will serve them well throughout their lives.

  5. Improves Communication: By taking on the role of a guide rather than a hero, you open up lines of communication with your child and create a stronger bond based on trust and mutual respect.

  6. Develops Empathy: By allowing children to make mistakes and learn from them, they develop empathy for others with similar problems. As a result, they become more compassionate and understanding.

  7. Promotes Self-Awareness: Children develop greater self-awareness, essential for personal growth and development, by taking responsibility for their actions and decisions.

  8. Encourages Creativity: Herofree Parenting encourages children to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to problems, which can lead to innovative thinking in all areas of life.

  9. Builds Trust: By trusting your child to make their own decisions and solve their problems, you create a foundation of trust that will strengthen your relationship and help your child feel more secure in their abilities.

  10. Prepares for Adulthood: Herofree Parenting prepares children for the challenges they will face as adults by teaching them valuable life skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and resilience.

In Herofree Parenting, children develop an Adaptive Mindset versus a Rigid Mindset.

An Adaptive Mindset is a growth mindset that believes challenges are opportunities for learning and growth. A Rigid Mindset is a fixed mindset that believes challenges are threats to be avoided.

By fostering an Adaptive Mindset, children are more likely to take risks and persevere through challenges.

Children learn that failure is not the end but an opportunity for learning and growth (an Adaptive Mindset vs. a Fixed or Rigid Mindset).

And children, particularly teens, with an Adaptive Mindset are not afraid to take on the future.

Learning how to improve your relationship with your teen starts when you become a Herofree Parent.